Find Out More About In Twilight's Shadow
- The theme song for IN TWILIGHT'S SHADOW: On the Dark Side by John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band.
- As I was working on the proposal for IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR, I realized that Creed and Maia were going to be a couple and that they needed their own book. I had no idea, though, what their story was until I was actually writing it.
- Maia is five years older than her sister, Ryne, and more or less raised her since their parents weren't there for either girl emotionally. Maia would kill to protect Ryne.
- Creed was raised by his grandparents.
- Maia loves art and wants to work in a museum, but she didn't go to college.
- Creed apprenticed in Sydney, NSW Australia.
- Maia's parents were both troubleshooters. They died in battle when she was nineteen.